
Rooster on PhotoPeach

Monday, January 13, 2014


Although I touched on the topic of stress and whatnot in my previous entry, I just wanted to reiterate some facts and recap this class, BPA 3010 a little more thoroughly. 

Chef Hitz is one of few chefs/teachers/professors/whatnot that legitimately cares for each and every one of our educational lives. He's relatively "business" oriented, meaning that he's strict but in the best intentions to get us into shape, however has a sarcastic sense of humor. 

When it comes to asking questions, what my high school band teacher used to say, "think before you speak". Make sure you're not asking repetitive questions that will make everyone around you giggle (of course everyone has their "off" days), however if you do have a question make sure to ask your peers! 

In regards to communication, make sure every single one of your group members are in sync with each other. Period. No questions asked. 

As for cleaning...oh cleaning. I am not going to lie, I am very disappointed with myself as well as the rest of the class for slacking off so much. We are juniors for crying out loud in the P4 program. You would expect us to be the role models of the culinary world here, but apparently we're at first year status. I know I have not been a role model myself these past few weeks, however that should not be an excuse for such shameful behavior. Although we only have one day left in this particular class, I really hope our class can step it up to prove that we're not just slackers. 

To end on a more positive note, make sure you really take care of yourself. Get enough rest (LOL), eat healthyish foods, drink lots of water, and communicate with others. Of course, these things are easier said than done, but coming from experience, you really need to be on the top of your game if you want to succeed in this program, let alone this industry. 

1 comment:

  1. This Monday we are building our final marketing showpiece. Tow things can happen, we can either build it successfully, and it stays up (unlike my rooster) or it can come crashing down after we've built it. I'm pretty nervous about this whole process, but definitely excited. Hopefully coming in at 5, will alleviate some of the stress once we start building, but I highly doubt it.
