
Rooster on PhotoPeach

Monday, January 13, 2014

Rooster Recap

Miraculously, my rooster showpiece came together in one presentable piece, however the journey to get there was not easy. Quite frankly, it was one of the hardest tasks I've ever had to complete. 

Now, let me give you a quick backstory for you readers who don't know me very well, I'm a transfer from another campus, who's facing a few hardships at the moment. I don't mean to scare off anyone, I'm just trying to help you learn from my mistakes! 

  1. IT IS GOING TO BE DIFFERENT. Accept it and move on. Don't complain to others how yadda yadda yadda used to do it, you're not there anymore and suck it up. Learning more/new techniques is only going to enrich your knowledge. 
  2. If you have Seasonal Affective Disorder/Depression/whatever in the cold gloomy months, talk to people in a professional manner and get help! For the love of all things holy, sitting around and doing nothing is not healthy, please do the right thing! 
  3. Accept that you're not perfect. Yes, being apart of the P4 program is a 'heavy' task, however don't let it eat at you if you don't bring home the bacon in sense of an A. Do your best, and get the most out of the education you're paying for.
Okay, now we're back. As you can tell, this lab was not easy. As I mentioned before, this lab was probably the hardest lab I've had ever, quite frankly one of the hardest classes nonetheless, even if you're playing with adult play-doh. 

Coming up with the theme and sketch was relatively easy, however when it came down to actually making the pieces and sorting out the details, I wish I focused more on the rooster and made it more elaborate. In comparison to the dragon on the base, the focal point of the rooster was definitely lost. Another aspect I would change is the bamboo accents in the back. I was hoping they would add depth and height to the piece, however they seem to be I quote "Candyland-Dr. Seuss-esque" (thank you Chef Hitz :P). 

All an all, I'm happy that my showpiece was finished and I didn't give up, however I know what I would do differently in the future as well as gained some valuable knowledge about the program, course, and myself through this lab. 

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