
Rooster on PhotoPeach

Friday, January 10, 2014

Day 7

So yesterday was day 7, the pace of the lab has picked up extremely and our dead dough showpiece was due at 11:30am. For those of you that do not know our dead dough showpiece was completely our own idea and theme. The only thing it had to include was a rooster. Wednesday night I was a mess with only one thought on my mind…was this showpiece going to come together as I pictured it in my head. We could not build our showpiece unless we had everything baked, and I still had a lot more to do. I would advise to future students not to panic. If you move at a quick pace and know what you need to get done, it will be okay. If you panic and tend to worry there are things you can do ahead of time. One: look at your sketch you have already drawn/should have drawn and check off what you have already made.  Make a list of what you need to do. Two: make extra pieces because things can break and it is always better to have extra then not enough. Three: take home foam board and physically create your showpiece. This is also good to get an idea of what size/dimensions you will need for your showpiece. (I used foam board to find out the appropriate size of my mountains I needed for my showpiece. This also came in handy because I now had a template of what size/shape I needed my mountains and the next day all I had to do was roll the dough out and cut). Another important thing to be wary of is the time. When 10:45am rolled around everyone including myself went into panic mood. Things really got crazy for me because I thought we had to be done right at 11am. Therefore, I was running around like a chicken with its head cut off. I acted like this until 11am came and everyone was still working. It was not until then did I realize we had till 11:30am to finish. A weight was lifted off my shoulders and I could relax and take my time adding the finishing touches. To all future students: THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IS TO FOLLOW DIRECTIONS AND LISTEN CAREFULLY. I cannot stress how important this is. In doing this you will learn better which will result in a better grade.  That is all for now, time for bed.

Goodnight J     

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