
Rooster on PhotoPeach

Monday, January 13, 2014

A day in the life of a stressed baker.....

So coming into Day 8 and 9 practical Day I must say working in groups on a large marketing project is nowhere as stressful as working by yourself.  I actually feel more relaxed as I did at the very beginning of class.  Throughout this class I have learned a lot about myself and also about my classmates both good and bad.  This class has been like a roller coaster so to any future students taking this class be prepared to ride that roller coaster and try to stick it out even when it gets tough.

My Rooster Showpiece

Now to talk about cleaning, when we left class today we had plenty of time to double check the room to make sure everything was spotless, which I must add it was not.  As a Junior level class as chef has said we should know better and take more responsibility of our actions.  Due to the way we left the classroom today it is going to affect our practical sanitation grade, which for me means a lot and I bet it means the same to the rest of my class mates.  I know that we all want to just leave class after being there for 6 hours, I feel the same way, but I do not think Chef should have to look at a dirty classroom especially the way we left it today.  So my advice to you is always double check the room even if it is not your responsibility to do a certain job.  It can only help you and the class to leave the classroom 10 times cleaner than what it looked like when you got there.  Hope all this advice helps future students have an easier time in this class, so you have more time to learn new things, rather than waste time.
I know that coming to this class I wish I had viewed more videos of how to score baguettes, it has been a year plus since I even made a baguette.  So I know that this would help any future students or any one for that matter who wants to learn how to score baguettes. Since one of the key things to a baguette is the scoring marks.  In this video chef makes it look so easy even though it really is not.  Baguettes take practice just like anything else.  Practice always makes perfect. If only this video would post. So apparently no one gets to my video. 

1 comment:

  1. Throughout this lab, I was stressed out but as I went a long it got better every day. I had a production schedule with me so, that my team members and I could stay on task and not fall behind. It is very easy to fall behind if you aren’t focused and don’t have a production schedule on hand. Also, while you go through this class asks a lot of questions even if it’s something little. It’s better to ask and know and not to ask and not know. Ask questions about what to do with your showpiece and chef hitz will help you to his best. A lot of his answers would be to try it out and see what happens. All, I would have to say is that there is a light at the end of the class and it will be worth the wait.
