
Rooster on PhotoPeach

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Here are a few pictures I think future students should see and learn from. The first picture may not look like much but it could make your life a lot easier if you get into this habit. If you know you are going to need a bunch of tools and materials, always prep a tray with everything before you begin your tasks for the day. This will be a lot of help because you will not be wasting time trying to find the tools you need or run around the lab in search of something you could of already had set aside beforehand. This is something I could have been better at doing. I felt like I wasted a lot of time trying to find the things I needed and running around the lab. This lost time could have been used to perfect details for my showpiece and not rush the pieces I had to make. The next picture is key to scoring your baguettes perfectly. Baguettes may seem simple but to be ideal they must be mixed, fermented, shaped, proofed, scored, and baked properly. Now scoring may not sound so difficult but it may make or break your baguette if not done properly. Those two black lines on the baguette in the picture are guidelines to creating the perfect score mark width. The statement practice makes perfect is no joke when it comes to scoring. I have not mastered the perfect score marks yet and still have a lot of learning to do after three years. The last picture seems random but I chose this picture because, yes chef is just giving a demo, but the student in the photo is doing what every student should do. TAKING NOTES. Always always always takes notes!! This is a once in a lifetime opportunity and you may only learn this technique once. Plus it helps to have notes to be able to look back on when it comes time for you to recreate that item. We are spending all this money on school and shouldn't you be able to take everything you can away from it? YES. Detailed notes and photographs are ideal because someday you may need to make this item for a boss or job interview. I always take notes and write down as much information as possible because I do not just want to get an education but remember what I learned and be able to recreate it years down the road. So, future students, read this and remember to always prep what you can ahead of time, do not worry if your baguettes do not come out perfectly the first time just keep that guideline in your head and you will get better, and lastly take notes because it will only help you in the long run. 

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