
Rooster on PhotoPeach

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Final marketing showpieces from my junior class, after a lot of stress and aggravation the hard work pays off. Congratulations to all of the teams for a fantastic nine days you will all be missed and I hope that our paths will cross again. All the best to all of you young aspiring bakers.


  1. This week in class I think has gone really well! I feel like I'm gaining more and more skills. There are quite a few things I would change about my Rooster showpiece. I wish the rooster popped more like Chef Hitz said. I also wish I had more height to my showpiece. I am very pleased with the theme still. I like the whimsical effect of it. I was going for a darker side of a circus. I think they are creepy and kind of freak me out! However I do think that the colors and the effects of a circus are fantastic!

  2. So it is Saturday night and I am sitting in the dorm working on pieces for my groups Miche showpiece and thinking about the first week of Decorative doughs. This week was a little hard for me, being in a group of three. Each person in a group of three needs to carry there weight plus 1/3 of the weight of the other person they would have had if they had four people. I find that this up coming week I am going to need to push myself a bit harder to complete everything. I realize this because I am probably the only person that will be gluing there showpiece on Monday. Luckily my group is understanding and they are letting me work on most of the Miche showpiece pieces this weekend so that when I come to class on Monday I can glue my Rooster showpiece together first thing. Working in this class in this group requires more effort but I feel this will just make me stronger as I move on in the field.

  3. Well tomorrow is day 6 of my 1st P4 lab. WOW! I've also been in Providence over a month now. In the past 2 months my life has changed so much! Being in this program is truly a dream come true. I know that I have to work very hard to just keep going. I think I need to think outside the box when it comes to showpieces and not play it too safe. I'm going to make a better effort of getting out of my comfort zone and learning more and more everyday.

  4. Today as a group of three we completed one Miche showpiece. With three people this made it kind of hard because we had an idea and concept but we all had a different views of how it should be. We should have sketched the design but we didn't so we took the components and just kind of placed it on the the Miche randomly with no concept or direction. The Miche did not turn out badly because the skill of the products on the miche were nice but they just kind of looked random and out of place all together. Chef said you could tell it was several people trying to put all there ideas into one showpiece. The advice he gave us is when working with other people always sketch the idea before completing the task ahead. This blog should be read in advance because this is important stuff to no before coming in and doing the class.

  5. Today Matthew and I finished our Miche showpiece. We ran into a couple bumps in the road as we were making it. There were a few pieces that were, we could say, less than perfect. However, I'm pretty happy with our overall finish. I think we both needed to learn to be more playful with our style. I think we achieved that with our Miche. I think I might be really understanding about the enjoyment you can have with sizes and shapes of different elements of a showpiece. I am really enjoying this class! I was rather nervous about being in this program but I know now that I might just need to push myself just a little bit more. I think I can do this.

  6. When redesigning the marketing showpiece in class I find that it is most difficult to work with 3 other people who have a different taste in art. I have noticed that some of us are stronger than others. But I realize that the lesson learned in to designate certain projects for people, this way what we all visually want to happen will happen.

  7. Today was day 3 and I feel overwhelmed but over all today went smooth. My group got our daily bread project done efficiently and on time. I feel like I have my elements for my rooster somewhat together but Im struggling with the idea of having to actually put this showpiece together on time or even at all never having done this(like everyone else). Im nevrous but hopeful to see how it goes.
