
Rooster on PhotoPeach

Monday, January 13, 2014

I decided to upload a picture of my finished rooster showpiece.  I really enjoyed designing and constructing this piece.  While assembling it in class this past Thursday it dawned on me how important a sound structure and base is to the overall success of a showpiece.  And so the glueing began... I started by glueing the red copula together to see how that would work.  My advice if trying to construct a structure like this is to glue the sides of the house together and the roof.  Do not glue the bottom of the copula until the roof has been secured, this will allow you to reach inside to secure the roof more easily.  If you are lucky enough to have petite hands then you can afford to make thus mistake, but it will be much more challenging.  While securing the all of the larger components into place was challenging, it is all worth it once you start placing the small detailed pieces on the showpiece.  This is when your vision truly comes to life, and showpiece you have been worrying, dreaming about, thinking about non stop finally takes shape.  Overall I am proud of my showpiece and am happy with the finished product. I learned the importance of planning in advance and visualizing the showpiece as a whole, not just separate components.  And so after lots of hard work and even more hot glue, my first ever dead dough showpiece is complete!

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