
Rooster on PhotoPeach

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Daily Production- The True Test

The main focus of the class is on making the the three different showpieces, however, what cannot be forgotten is your daily yeasted product. Having to do these products everyday, even just one product, is a true test of your time management and mise en place. While in the middle of working on your showpiece components you have to keep track of what time your dough is ready. When it will need a stretch and fold, when it has to be divided and having how long it will take you to mise en place what you need for that particular part of the baking process. My advice for you is to take good notes when the other groups do the product for the first time and to review the recipe the night before and when come in first thing in the morning. Knowing ahead of time what you have to do will save you vaulable time. You will quickly be able to mix, divide, and shape your yeasted product.  However, if there is a question, it is always better to ask Chef. He has no problem answering questions and it is always better to ask him then to screw up your product.
Communication is also the key here. Our class had a lot of miscommunication between the groups and I had some with in my group myself. My other large suggestion is to divide the work. Within my group, I was the leader when it came down to the yeasted production. I felt like no one else in my group had any idea what was going on with the production for that day and without me nothing would have been done right. On Day 7 we made baguettes and I took them out of the oven and my group didn't even realize it. Even when it came down to working with the dough or simply folding it no one else wanted to do it. I found this extremely unfair that it was always me taking time our of working on my showpiece to do these things. I had to make my rooster again because the leg broke and from then, even with working at home, I was slightly behind and despite this no one in my group wanted to say "hey let me do that I know you're a little behind because your rooster broke". It was disappointing to me. My last suggestion is check up on each other. Have two people set a timer ask the others what is going on. It is not rude or doubting them in anyway just with everything going on it is easy to forgot. On Day 6 we had to make pumpkin brioche and I had made the pumpkin pastry cream. With everything else going on, I forgot that I had it in the blast chiller and it was frozen solid when we went to use it. I take full responsibility, however, it would have been nice if any of the rest of my group members had thought about it at all and double checked with me on it.

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